


take out a loan - ローンを組む

・Japanese people usually take out a loan when they buy house or a car. 

・He bought our house and took out a bank loan from a bank.


invite  to do.... 人に 何かするように勧める

invite someone to do something
This expression is used when you're asking someone to participate in an activity. 

・My husband invited me to open an account with SCB bank.

・ I invite you to see  the cherry blossom during spring

・She invites her friend to join the English club.


revison(n) 修正・改訂・見直し・訂正・改訂版

・The new revison on the school texbook includes the latest information and QRcord.

・The revison process can be time -cnsuming.

・After the revison, the proposal was much better.

・We advocate the revison of the rules.

Japanese government decided to make a revision to school textbooks.

・ I need to do a revision to my application form



・The author revised the draft after receving feedback.

・The committee is revising the guidlines to be more inclusive.


Revision is noun form. 
Revise is verb form. 


Revision for documents or applications.